Sleeping Survey of Students Analysis
Sleeping Survey of Students Analysis Research topic: Sleep Target: Japanese University students Number of respondents: (11) (Summary) Students answered 8 questions about sleeping. (Results) #1 This graph shows "How many hours do students usually sleep?". 50% of students usually sleep for 6 hours. Some students sleep for only 4 hours. #2 This pie chart shows that all of the students think sleeping is important for college students. There are no students who think sleeping is not important. #3 This data shows the time students usually sleep. Some students sleep before 0:00, but almost all students usually sleep after 24:00. I found out students cannot sleep in the early hours. #4 This pie chart shows most students want to sleep before 24:00 if they have enough time. 54.5% of students want to sleep from 22:00-23:00. 18.2% of students still want to sleep after 24:00. #5 This pie chart shows "What type of bedding do students usually use?". 72.7% of students use beds, an...