Sleeping Survey of Students Analysis

 Sleeping Survey of Students Analysis

Research topic: Sleep
Target: Japanese University students
Number of respondents: (11)

Students answered 8 questions about sleeping.


This graph shows "How many hours do students usually sleep?".
50% of students usually sleep for 6 hours. Some students sleep for only 4 hours.

This pie chart shows that all of the students think sleeping is important for college students. There are no students who think sleeping is not important.

This data shows the time students usually sleep. Some students sleep before 0:00, but almost all students usually sleep after 24:00. I found out students cannot sleep in the early hours.

This pie chart shows most students want to sleep before 24:00 if they have enough time. 54.5% of students want to sleep from 22:00-23:00. 18.2% of students still want to sleep after 24:00.

This pie chart shows "What type of bedding do students usually use?". 72.7% of students use beds, and 27.3% of them use Japanese futons. This means students who use beds are larger than Japanese futon students. There are no students who use other types of bedding.

This data shows the routine students have before they go to bed. There are various kinds of routines. Some people drink something, and other people use some devices to listen to music, call, and so on.

This graph shows "Where and where do students usually sleep with?". Many students sleep alone. Also, many of them sleep in their own rooms.

This data shows the important things students think for good quality sleep. There are many kinds of ideas for this. Some students think going to bed earlier is important.


There are many interesting things in this survey. Some results were as expected, but other results were surprising. From this survey, there were some tendencies about their sleeping time. I think this data are useful to think about the sleep of university students.


  1. I sleep in my bed, but I like to sleep using Japanese futon. So, when I tirp or so, I chose Japanese futon room. So, i can make sense that many student's room become westen style.




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